
Stora Enso Kvarnsveden erneuert die Handmessgeräte für die Zustandsüberwachung

Die Papierfabrik Stora Enso Kvarnsveden in Dalarna in Mittelschweden arbeitet seit vielen Jahren aktiv mit der zustandsorientierten Instandhaltung....

Södra Cell Mönsterås macht große Investitionen in die Zustandsüberwachung von SPM

SPM hat von der schwedischen Zellstofffabrik Södra Cell Mönsterås einen Auftrag über das Handmessgerät Leonova Diamond für periodische Zustandsmess...

Onyx Specialty Papers, Inc. rüstet für eine effizientere Wartung mit Leonova Diamond auf

Der langjährige Leonova-Benutzer, die amerikanische Papierfabrik Onyx Specialty Papers Inc. hat vor kurzem auf Leonova Diamond, die neueste Version...

Södra Cell Mörrum streamlines condition monitoring with Leonova Diamond

The portable instrument Leonova Diamond recently made inroads at the Södra Cell Värö pulp mill north of Varberg on the Swedish west coast. Another...

Case study: Low speed bearing monitoring on low pressure feeder

Södra Cell Mönsterås, one of Sweden’s largest pulp mills, has successfully conducted test measurements on a low pressure feeder with online system...

SPM HD introduced in pulp production at Stora Enso Fors

The Stora Enso Fors board mill in central Sweden recently upgraded its condition monitoring system on board machine KM3 from an older system to the...

SPM delivers online vibration analysis to soft calender at Stora Enso Kvarnsveden

The Stora Enso Kvarnsveden paper mill in central Sweden continues to expand its condition monitoring and is now investing in the Intellinova online...

SCA to monitor new digester plant with SPM HD

SCA is now investing approximately SEK 500 million in a new continuous digester at its Obbola liner mill in northern Sweden. The new digester is a...

Nordic Paper Bäckhammar expands condition monitoring in pulp mill

In the spring of 2013, Nordic Paper's three Swedish mills in Bäckhammar, Säffle, and Åmotfors made a joint decision to standardize their condition...

SPM receives Leonova Diamond order from Södra Cell Värö

Swedish pulp mill Södra Cell Värö is now investing in two Leonova Diamonds from SPM, thus changing supplier of portable devices for periodic measur...